第177章 无奈之下 (第1/2页)


\"What do you mean you don\u0027t cover your eyes at all?\"


\"Oh, what is this? I have what I want now. What do you think you have? What right do you think you have to stand on the same line with me?\"


\"You are still so arrogant.\"


\"This officer has the capital to be arrogant. What capital do you have to be arrogant? This officer is now the suzerain, and you are only a servant in the name of this officer. How can your little lover\u0027s child not be saved?\"


\"You can\u0027t go wrong if you do it yourself.\"


\"Yes, it seems that the child is still blessed, since it is my turn to do it myself, but you are useless now, what are you doing here?\"






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